Hope is a wish...

Build Sustainable Futures

Partner for a child's complete education.
Stop transgenerational poverty!
Build future leaders!

What We Do

We provide education assistance to students, including special needs children attending local schools or special education programs. Our assistance funds also help ensure children with various physical and mental impairments get the medical attention they need.

  • We promote consistent year-on-year education through high school.

  • We encourage inclusion of children with special needs into the community.

Who We Help

Indigenous rural families located in 14 subsistence villages surrounding Nahuizalco, El Salvador.

  • Students and Children With Special Needs

    Our policy is to support students and special needs children as directly as possible. We do not fund through intermediate organizations such as local governments, religious or political groups, school administered programs, etc.

  • Children Who Are Not Attending School

    The typical student in our program comes from a large family having a seasonal income of less than $3 per day. Students may use their assistance funds to attend the school of their choice (public or private).

Without Education...

The light of Hope dims and poverty saps our strength.

"If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else." —  Booker T. Washington

Be a Builder

About Us

N3R is a Christian-based humanitarian organization

We are Volunteers

100% of your donations go to help kids in poverty.

We are Enablers

In-country volunteers with a heart for the people are enabled by your support.

US Based 501(c)3

Your donations are secure and tax deductible.
Check out your employers matching fund program.

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